Study in New Zealand
New Zealand is always known for its uniqueness and you will discover the exclusive outdoor playgrounds and excellent study opportunities it holds. The country has world-class cutting edge research and creative energy.
It's a new and attractive educational spot for international students. It is well known among other countries for its education system and institutes. The safe and welcoming community makes it even more sophisticated for the students to study in New Zealand.
All specialized education is available in New Zealand. There are eight universities, 18 polytechnics and institutes of technology, around 600 private training institutions, 27 English Language schools and around 20 industry training organizations.
You can choose to get yourself involved into academics or practically focused qualifications. They provide beginner level certificates from diplomas to degrees and doctorates. The institutes in New Zealand present nationwide so you can choose your location of education.
The unique education approach that the country follows is a major advantage for choosing New Zealand as your education spot. Students are given the opportunity to practically think and derive solutions, which helps them to cultivate their own strengths and develop ideas.
Study in Netherland
Netherlands higher education is funded by government which makes the tuition costs be as low as possible than compared to the USA, UK and Australia.
The qualifications lift your career prospect. The Dutch are open minded and very tolerating. One can witness diverse culture in most cities and universities. The country has excellent transport link to the other European countries such as France, Germany at a low cost of transportation.
Amsterdam is the capital of Netherlands with around 20 institutions. It also holds numerous museums and active social scene and night life. Cities like Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Eindhoven also have education institutions.
The main language spoken throughout the country is Dutch. They also speak excellent English. The Netherlands have mild winters and cool summers with few extreme weathers.
Study in Ireland
The country offers around thousands of post graduate courses to further your studies. Ireland is known for its education excellence and holds the major young population in Europe. English is spoken widely throughout the country. Its friendly, safe and rich history in arts and culture, with coastal landscapes, metropolitan cites offers you leisure spots.
The qualification for post graduation is for all who have 15 years of education, which is unique when compared to other countries. Ireland is the best education system in Europe according to the 2004 IMD World competitiveness Report. The country has only 4.4% unemployment rate.