Hibernate Training in Chennai
We provide the best Hibernate Training in Chennai with around 10+ experienced corporate experts. Our complete training is scheduled with technical, practical and sophisticated course syllabus. We are the BEST Hibernate Training in Chennai.
If you are one of those who want to experience a difference in Java Framework training, then step into our training center and explore the huge lot of choices as Techiebees has always been people's choice for the best.
Now, let’s understand the concept of Hibernate and why it is necessary to study and understand the concept. Hibernate is nothing but a library that provides an object-relational mapping, which provides a framework to map object based terminology into a relational database.
Techiebees is the most awarded Hibernate training Institute in Chennai. The Java classes are mapped to database tables in Hibernate with the help of XML configurations. While using these XML file, Hibernate by itself derives the source code for the persistent classes. To define the Java classes, Hibernate either uses annotations and XML schema. It also includes many to many and one to many mapping among the classes. Hibernate also maintains reflexive associations where an object can have one to many relationship with classes.